The first step to know God is not through dead religion, but through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This relationship starts first by recognizing we are not perfect, that we do indeed sin. Understand that sinning causes our hearts to be corrupted (Romans 3:23).

The Good News is that if we BELIEVE in Jesus Christ as our God (John 3:36), by faith with the verbal confessing with our mouth then we will be saved and begin a new amazing relationship with God.

Jesus said, “Seek, ask, and knock, and that door will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7-8).

Begin by praying this request from the heart:

Jesus, I am not perfect, I have done wrong in my life, I am a sinner. Jesus, forgive me, and wash me clean with your blood. Make me a child of God born-again of the Spirit. I receive your mercy; I receive your grace. I renounce my old life, that I can now live a new life through you. I am no longer my own, now I surrender and belong to you for eternal life. Amen


Schedule a time to get water Baptized with Pastor Aaron (503) 449-3124.

Water baptism is the symbolic act, and public proclamation that we are now a Believer, and a committed Follower of Christ.

The act of being fully immersed in water, represents the death to our old life, and the coming out of the water represents being resurrected into a new life with Christ.

  • It is a powerful witness and testimony to our new faith.

The Greek word in the Bible for ‘baptism’ is Baptizo, which literally means to “immerse, to submerge and to overwhelm.”

Jesus Himself was fully immersed, and when He came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit came upon Him in power like a dove.

In case you are wondering, who should be baptized in full immersion of water… According to the Scripture, the answer is everyone who is a Believer.

Acts 2:38

“Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”


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