Welcome to Hearts of Fire Church, we are a vibrant community of believers dedicated to pursuing God together one step at a time.
Got Questions?
What Are Saturdays Like?
A Faith Community to Call Home
We gather on Saturdays at 10:00 am with Praise & Worship music, then prayer, followed by a life-giving message centered around the Bible and God's power.
There is time for coffee snacks and hanging out after the service if you want to linger and get to know people.
What should I wear? Whatever makes you comfortable!
What about my kids? They're going to LOVE our King's Kids with Pastor Juliet Pickworth! We have a safe and creative environment created so your children will have an amazing time growing in Jesus with an age-distinctive message, with fun and games.
After visiting, we offer the NEXT STEPS, a 10-15-minute introduction of who we are, and how to get more involved
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